The singing of Compline continues at St. Barnabas.
The singing of Compline continues at St. Barnabas.

A group of singers from around the community has resumed the singing of the office of Compline at 7:00 pm each Sunday evening at St. Barnabas throughout the Sundays in Lent.
The singing of the Office of Compline is one relaxing, meditative, restorative activity which brings healing and composure in a distracted, busy world.
The service lasts about half an hour, includes candles, incense, and is open to all.

The remaining Sundays in Lent present varying degrees of readiness for Easter with focus on chanted prayers, silence, anthems, sung Psalms and hymns appropriate for each special Sunday.
To join in the singing of Compline, contact the director, Susan Ferre, Director of Music and Organist at St. Barnabas Episcopal Church, located at 2 High Street in Berlin.
She may be reached at 603-466-2865, through Music in the Great North Woods,
a non-profit organization which also supports the Compline Choir.
She may be reached at 603-466-2865, through Music in the Great North Woods,
a non-profit organization which also supports the Compline Choir.